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The Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) was signed into law July 1, 2013. It is the largest change to California’s school finance model in almost 40 years and went into effect immediately. The 2013–14 budget package replaces the previous K–12 finance system with a new Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF).
For school districts and charter schools, the LCFF creates base, supplemental, and concentration grants in place of most previously existing K–12 funding streams, including revenue limits and most state categorical programs.
Until full implementation, however, local educational agencies (LEAs) will receive roughly the same amount of funding they received in 2012–13 plus an additional amount each year to bridge the gap between current funding levels and the new LCFF target levels. The budget projects the time frame for full implementation of the LCFF to be eight years.
The LCAP was changed in 2017 from a one year plan to a three year plan. 
  • Year 1 : 17 - 18
  • Year 2 : 18 - 19
  • Year 3 : 19 - 20





2022-2023 LCAP Board Approved 8/11/22
2022-2023 LCAP Spanish Board Approved 8/11/22




LCAP  Board Approved 6/27/2019 and 11/12/19  (updated 10/16/19)
LCFF Budget Overview (updated 6/28/19)
Federal Addendum 
Board Approval - June 13, 2019  Link 
General Public Meeting
-Wednesday, June 5, 2019
- 5:15 PM
- IUSD Boardroom 
Public Hearing - scheduled for 1st June Board Meeting 
-June 13, 2019  Link
Board Approval - scheduled for 2nd June Board Meeting 
-June 27, 2019 Link


2018 -19 LCAP  (Updated and Approved 09/13/18) Spanish
Please note there is an error on page 46.  Goal 1 was omitted from the State Priorities.
Under the "State and/or Local Priorities addressed in this goal:", it should read "State Priorities: 1, 2, 4, 7."

2018 - 19 LCAP ( Approved 6/28/18)

LCAP  Draft  (Updated 6/21/18)

Spanish Borrador (Updated 6/21/18)

Federal Addendum 
View document 
Board Approval - June 14, 2018  Link ( Action Item C. LCAP/ESSA Federal Addendum)
General Public Meeting
-Thursday, May 31, 2018
- 5:15 PM
- IUSD Boardroom 
Public Hearing - scheduled for 1st June Board Meeting 
-June 14, 2018  Link
Board Approval - scheduled for 2nd June Board Meeting 
-June 28, 2018 Link


LCAP- Updated 6/30/2017  (IUSD Board approved on 6/29/17)
LCAP Spanish

General Public Meeting
-June 06, 2017

Public Hearing - scheduled for 1st June Board Meeting 
-June 15, 2017

Board Approval - scheduled for 2nd June Board Meeting 
-June 29, 2017


LCAP - Updated 8/16/2016 (IUSD Board update approved on 8/16/16)

LCAP  - Updated 6/28/2016  (IUSD Board approved on 6/28/16)

LCAP Spanish

General Public LCAP Meeting
- June 02, 2016

Public hearing - scheduled for 1st June Board Meeting
- June 16, 2016

Board Approval - scheduled for 2nd June Board Meeting
- June 28, 2016


Updated on 9/2/2015 at 10:48 AM
LCAP (updated) here         Board Approval - 9/1/2015
Public hearing  - 5/21/2015 & 6/25/2015

LCAP Approved by IUSD Board  here  Board Approval - 6/25/2015

Spanish here

LCAP 2014-2015 Annual Update here


Public hearing  - 6/19/2014 Board Approval - 6/26/2014
LCAP Approved by IUSD Board  here  Spanish here 

LCAP with modification and approved by ICOE here

Parent Engagement Group (PEG)

Parent Engagement Group (PEG)


PEG Meetings
IUSD Parent Meetings


February 19, 2020
LCAP Information Spanish

Complementing the changes to state funding made by the Local Control Funding Formula is a newly required Local Control and Accountability Plan. The LCAP is LCFF’s vehicle for transparency and engagement. It is the way that LEAs are expected to share performance data, needs, actions, and anticipated outcomes that guide the use of available LCFF funding. Before the start of the 2014-15 school year, all LEAs will need to have in place a Local Control and Accountability Plan prior to the adoption of their budget. State Board of Education approved templates will be available prior to March 2014. 

According to Education Code section 52060, the LCAP must describe for each LEA and each school within the LEA the annual goals for all students including calling out details for low-income, English Learners, and foster youth that address state and local priorities. The LCAP must also describe the specific actions that the LEA will take to achieve the goals it has identified with budget details that show the level and type of state expenditures made to support these actions.

The state priorities are expressed as metrics for which LEAs are expected to develop performance measures to demonstrate how LCFF and the LCAP support student outcomes. The State priorities include:

  1. Demonstrating compliance with Williams requirements. This includes reporting appropriate teacher assignment, sufficient instructional materials, and facilities in good repair.
  2. Implementation of the academic content and performance standards adopted by SBE, including how the programs and services will enable English learners to access the common core academic content standards and the English Language Development standards.
  3. Parental involvement, including efforts the school district makes to seek parent input in making decisions for the school district and each individual school site, and including how the school district will promote parental participation in programs for economically disadvantaged pupils, English learners, foster youth, and individuals with exceptional needs.
  4. Pupil achievement as measured by multiple indicators including, but not limited to, assessment data, college readiness, and language proficiency.
  5. Pupil engagement as measured by multiple indicators including, but not limited to, rates associated with attendance, chronic absenteeism, dropout (middle and high school), and high school graduation.
  6. School climate as measured by multiple indicators including, but not limited to, pupil suspension and expulsion rates as well as other local measures assessing safety and school connectedness.
  7.  The extent to which pupils have access to, and are enrolled in, a broad course of study that includes core subject areas (i.e., English, mathematics, social science, science, visual and performing arts, health, physical education, career and technical education, etc.), including the programs and services developed and provided to economically disadvantaged pupils, English learners, foster youth, and individuals with exceptional needs.
  8. And, pupil outcomes, if available, in the subject areas comprising a broad course of study.

Engagement of a broad group of LEA stakeholders is expected in the development of the LCAP. Specifically, the LCFF legislation calls for governing boards to consult with teachers, principals, administrators, other school  personnel, parents, and students to develop the LCAP. In fact, before the LCAP is presented to the governing board the LCAP must be presented to a general parent advisory committee that includes parents, guardians, and students within the low-income, English learner, and foster youth; and in cases where 15% or more of the students are English learners and there are at least 50 English learners, a special English Learner Parent Advisory Committee is also required. Should the advisory groups have comments, the Superintendent must respond to comments in writing.